Now, don't get me wrong. This is perfectly good er, uh, pretty (?) fabric??? I guess. Maybe. However, I'm going out on a limb here. But the type of quilter that might order Kaffe Fassett (on a regular basis, from this particular store) doesn't strike me as the type of quilter that might also order fabric with wreaths and poinsettas and jingle bells. But that's just me. Maybe I'm wrong. The store gave me a refund for the Kaffe Fassett fabric and is letting me keep this other stuff. I don't even have to send it back. Oh Yay!
**disclaimer. This post is not meant to offend anyone that may like the above fabric. Its just not my style and I found some irony in the whole situation.**
And that become this.......
And I'm just so stinkin' excited over what these fun 30's prints have started to become, I can't STAND it. I hate keeping secrets...but I'm just not ready to share yet. Soon enough...soon enough. Now I'm off to sort some laundry. Hardly seems fair, huh? I have all of these beautiful fabrics out and begging to be played with. And I have to do laundry. Hhhmpppff. Ben asked me today (after I nagged him for the fiftieth time to pick up some toys) "Why do you get to sit and do everything you want to do all day? Someday can I just have a day when I don't do anything except just play?" I told him he could have that day just as soon as I get mine!
And I have to have some. They are sold at Michael's for.........
Did you hear me???? ONE DOLLAR
Seriously, these are so cute I'm literally in pain! My heart is breaking ~ why? Because my Michael's discontinued them and no longer has any!!! OMG! How could they discontinue something so stinkin' cute??? So, this is where you guys come in. If you have a Micheal's near you and would be so obliged, I would pay you to purchase 10 of these for me and ship them to my house. Seriously, I will. Paypal, check, money order.....whichever method you prefer. Pretty please? Anyone?
(above picture borrowed from the Flylady Website)