Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I'm still here. I just have nothing to show you because I am still sans sewing machine.....just thought I'd check in. My laundry is nearly caught up. I'm going to tackle the kitchen next. Cleaning really cuts into my sewing time, so maybe its better that there is no sewing time right now? I can really concentrate on my Spring Cleaning?

Speaking of Spring Cleaning... I've thought about hosting a Spring Cleaning Clean -a - long. Anyone game? I'll chose one day ~ probably April 23rd, 24th or 25th (anyone have a preferance). At the top of every hour, I'll post a task to do. It'll be as short task, probably no more than 15-20 minutes. I'll link to everyone's blog that is participating and if we're feeling really adventurous we can post before & after pictures??? Let me know if there is any interest and I'll post more details later.



Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So will you come clean my house? And I will say good job? Sorry about no sewing machine, kind of changes the plans huh?

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

I would do a clean along! Don't do Saturday...too many people skip blogging on the weekend! :)

~ Sarah

Cricket said...

A clean along sounds like a good idea. In theory. I will try to jnoin uhp.