Sunday, November 16, 2008

They're Done!

I managed to survive the Preschool Auction Quilts!! Here they are (some are fuzzy, sorry. I literally took the pictures as we were walking out the door to deliver them, so by the time I got around to downloading them, I couldn't retake them.)

I'm going shopping this week at the quilt store to spend some of my birthday money. Are you jealous? Thought so. Hubby also bought me some classes for my birthday. What kind of classes? Wouldn't you like to know. Nosey. Seriously, I'll take some pictures of what I'm working on in my class and share that with you soon. I already have lots of projects all lined up like little soldiers on my work table. However, I have to clean the house first. I completely neglected all housework in an effort to get these quilts done. Oh yea, the quilts were due Friday. On Wednesday Ben had a sever athsma attack in response to the Flu Mist vaccine. We were at the doctor's office for several hours. Almost had to spend the night in the hospital. Thursday morning we had to go back to the doctor, when we got home the Fridge was dead and I had a fridge full of warm food and a freezer full of thawed food. We've been eating some interesting meals around here. So, I had to spend Thursday cleaning out the fridge/freezer and then we went shopping for a new one. Did I mention the quilts had to be done on Friday? Guess what I did all day on Friday? They got done with exactly 12 hours left to go before the auction. Plenty of time...

1 comment:

Moose Threads said...

They were beautiful, well-made and everyone loved them.

I can't thank you enough.