In honor for it being Friday the 13th. I am hosting a Freaky Friday Fabric Giveaway (and if I remember, I'll do one in March, too). Up for grabs is two half yard cuts (basket not included) of "At Water's Edge" fabric by Moda. I believe this line came out last Spring. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post and tell me if you believe in superstitions and what are some that you currently practice? (unfortunately due to the cost of postage, I must limit this to USA residents only, my apologies). Make sure you leave your email address or some way for me to contact you in your comment (if your comments aren't already hooked up to an email). And in stealing an idea from Amandajean, who stole if from Camille, I'll give you an example:
Hi, I'm Jessica. I am very superstitious. I rarely walk under ladders and when I was playing volleyball in highschool, I had a lucky pair of socks and a lucky sports bra. I would make my mom wash them for every single game.
See, easy peasy! I'll leave this open until Sunday evening at which point I will draw a number by random generator (or maybe pick a name out of a hat, haven't decided yet!). Good Luck!
I'm an, and I'm not at all superstitious. Too much of a data-oriented engineer, I guess.
Not superstitious here either - fabrics are great though!
Love the fabric and I'm not at all superstitious. Sorry.
hi, i'm amanda jean and i'm not superstitious either. but i am a fabric-o-holic. but you already knew that, didn't you?
Hi I am Kathie. The only thing I can think of is a friend told me one time to do on New Years day what you hope to be doing all year long, so...........every New Years of course I have to sew.
Drooling over the green piece! My name is Leah and I'm not superstitious. Too time consuming. :)
Hi. I'm Terri and I'm not superstitious at all. But then, maybe I should be!!
I'm also not superstitious, too much of a scientific mind.
But I do love all fabric and yours is lovely.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I'm not superstitious, really....
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