Tuesday, April 8, 2008

No more nap time.....really?

So Carter tells me that he's a big boy now "No night night naps, I big boy". Ok, fine.......This was our "no nap" Friday (notice the grilled cheese sandwich still in his hand....)

We had another "no nap" day on Sunday (this time is a juice cup in his hand and a T-Rex on his head)

And yes....again on Monday. He did manage to stay awake all day today - we'll see what tomorrow brings for my big boy that doesn't need naps anymore!
On a quilting note, I finally got all of the sashings strips done that I needed for my quilt top. When I went to start sewing them to the rows I discovered that I had pressed all of my seams the wrong way. AAAAHHHH!!! Its like this quilt just doesn't even want to get done. I spent last night repressing and sewing on 4 out of the 13 sashing strips...hopefully I'll get them done tomorrow night


susan said...

awww that is so cute!! big boy, hehe

Anonymous said...

Be sure and keep the pictures and maybe scrapbook them so that you can show them to your son when he gets older.....he is a cutie....

Allie said...

I stumbled onto your blog looking for how to start quilting but this entry about your son is too cute not to leave a comment!

Joanna said...

Oh that is sooooo cute!!! My 4 year old doesn't nap anymore and my 3 year old tries to, usually about 3 in the afternoon, but I try to keep him awake so he'll go to bed early! I should take some photos like yours - they are priceless - I had a good chuckle when I saw the grilled cheese in his hand. Sometimes you just gotta sleep!!!